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Do you know what a Disclaimer is and why it’s so important? The Cursos Livres Blog is committed to maintaining an extremely clear and transparent relationship with you, our reader. We understand that this term, in English, is still not widely known in Brazil. Therefore, before anything else, let us explain exactly what the Cursos Livres Blog Disclaimer is and why you should be familiar with it!

Firstly, understand that the purpose of this section is to provide relevant information that facilitates and improves your interaction with our platform. Overlooking or being unaware of this information can lead to misguided choices and incorrect assumptions regarding our blog. And we don’t want that to happen, right? Our goal is to offer the best experience to the readers of the Cursos Livres Blog, always!

Below, we list some information that we consider important for you to know. Shall we?


The Cursos Livres Blog does not, under any circumstances, request money for the release of any type of financial product, whether it be a credit card, financing, or loan. If this happens, please notify us immediately through the Contact section.


The Cursos Livres Blog team works to keep the information published on the domain https://cursoslivres.net/ as up-to-date as possible. However, this information may differ from that found on the websites of financial institutions or providers of services from a specific site. We do not take responsibility for any discrepancies between data published on the Cursos Livres Blog and the respective information disseminated through other means, whether physical or digital, including official sources related to the product/service in question.

Always read the terms of use and acquisition of financial institutions that you intend to engage with.


How do we make money? The Cursos Livres Blog offers 100% open content to the public, meaning there are no subscription plans paid by the user. Revenue comes exclusively from the advertisements that appear on our site and from our partners. When we refer a user, and they request a product or a proposal, we receive a small amount for it. The content curation of the Cursos Livres Blog is carried out by a journalism management team based on criteria of newsworthiness and the interests of the target audience. Additionally, articles and news are directly influenced by our partners, including the order of the “best” texts and the placement of these products on the site. It is worth noting that everything we publish is based on quantitative and qualitative evaluations of each product.

Services and Data

The Cursos Livres Blog, through email marketing or SMS services, will not send content with links directed to other portals, only to those registered on the domain (https://cursoslivres.net/). Therefore, it cannot be held responsible if a message (email or SMS) is directed in your name with a domain different from the one mentioned above. Therefore, it is up to the USER, before clicking on the link, to VERIFY if the address is the same as the one mentioned in this section. If not, the Cursos Livres Blog advises that the content (message) be deleted, moved to the SPAM folder, or erased from the mobile device.