E-mail Marketing Terms of Use


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We know that sometimes it is “tempting” to skip these terms and conditions, but it is essential to establish what we expect from you and what our service (E-MAIL MARKETING) should offer you.
These E-MAIL MARKETING Terms and Conditions of Use reflect the way in which our services – INFOPRODUTOS, are presented to our users and which laws, regulations or policies are applied. So, below is the information:
What do we expect from you?  Transparency, clarity, responsibility and respect when using our services;
What can you expect from us?  Respect, clarity, honesty, responsibility and access when providing our service (INFOPRODUCTS) with absolute transparency – whether in these terms or access to information.
What can you expect from our content?  Information and tips on the financial market and services to improve financial life, from our partners in the same field and also in the investment sector.
It is worth noting that understanding these terms is necessary to guarantee our services and relationship with our users, including their acceptance.
Always aiming to guarantee the transparency of our services – Info-products, with users, in addition to these terms, we make available our  Privacy PolicyDisclaimer  and  General Terms and Conditions of Use .


– “ E-MAIL MARKETING ” – Infoproduct Releases, comprises any and all situations or agreements in which Memivi sends one or more text messages to an electronic address in relation to services.
– “ USER ” is any individual – aged 18 (eighteen) or over, sole owner and bearer of a valid email address registered on the platform – PROVIDER; that supports the electronic correspondence service (E-MAIL), provided by it in our “QUIZ”.
– “ OPT-IN ” refers to registering, subscribing, requesting, agreeing and consenting to receive one or more electronic messages from our team.
– “ MEMIVI ”, means the blog that manages the sending of E-MAILS with Infoproduct content.


By registering through our “QUIZ” and “ACTIVATING” our notification/messaging services – Infoprodutos, by PROVIDING your email, to Blog Memivi, you (USER) agree and accept the conditions of these terms :
We strive for a “unique” relationship with our USERS, therefore, these terms are conditioned on the USER’s waiver of taking part in any CLASS ACTION, furthermore, if the USER disagrees with part or all of these terms, we will present the ARBITRATION solution (Law no. 9,307 of 1996) prior to any judicial solution.


By registering for our “QUIZ”, clicking on “Opt-In”, you affirm that you agree with all the terms and conditions contained in this  E-mail Marketing Terms of Use,  Privacy Policy  and  General Terms and Conditions of Use . In addition, you declare that you are over 18 years old, that you are the holder, subscriber and sole owner of the email provided at the time of registration, authorizing the receipt of emails sent through the portal.


E-MAILS releases, with Info-product content, are available to any provider that offers the service in accordance with international security standards and in accordance with Brazilian legislation.


To ensure transparency in the offering of content with info-products through email blasts, we provide – in the body of the message, the option to stop receiving future emails, with the following message: “  We send free content to help you in your financial life, if you no longer want it, just click here”.  However, if you return to “QUIZ” and register your email again, you will “ACTIVATE” the receipt of new messages and agree to these terms.   


Our focus is your security, therefore, we use international and national parameters to guarantee the protection of your information and personal data. These are “preventive” measures that aim to guarantee a level of security in accordance with the Law, in addition, we take the main measures in the information, administrative and technology security sector; awareness – employee compliance, encryption, SSL and DdoS. Promoting the protection of your personal data, managing an internal processing cycle for safe and correct deletion and disposal.


By agreeing to receive emails from us, you accept the conditions for collecting, processing and storing your data – email address, regulated by the General Data Protection Law – LGPD (Law No. 13,709 of 2018). However, you can at any time REVOKE your consent to the processing and storage of data by sending messages to the email address: ( E-mail  ).


The legislation applicable to this contract will be that applicable and in force in Brazil, in conflicts between the USER and the Infoproducts portal (Blog Cursos Livres), Law No. 9,307 of 1996 – Arbitration will be followed in the order of preference , safeguarding the provisions in  Law No. 8,078 of 1990 – Consumer Protection Code.


In case of refusal to participate in the Arbitration to resolve conflicts with the USER, the forum to resolve any legal conflicts will be the city of Belo Horizonte – MG.